
We envision a future where every person on earth has access to life saving vaccines, regardless of their physical location.

Our mission is to improve vaccine access in smaller low-income communities in hard-to-reach rural areas by providing a solution for vaccines providers and aid workers to overcome the challenges of maintaining the cold chain in hot climates and through long transit times.

Vaccine Distribution

There's a lot of problems in the world. We don't think lack of access to vaccines should be one of them. Millions of lives can be saved by improving vaccine distribution.

The Rural Population

It's a lot more people than you might expect. Nearly half the entire worlds population is considered rural. This is an issue for vaccine distribution, since the vaccine cold chain breaks down the farther you get from large developed cities.

mRNA Vaccines

Newly developed mRNA vaccines have huge potential. They are highly scalable, which can create a huge supply of vaccines. However, a limitation is that they currently require ultra-cold storage, which is an even bigger challenge for the global cold chain.

Looking Forward

Moving beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, mRNA vaccines and therapeutics will be used to treat other diseases and prevent future pandemics.